MX Hub β€” AIESEC Hub

mx knowledge πŸ’™

πŸ“š welcome πŸ“š

πŸ”Ž what you can find here:

Here you will find materials for you and your network (sessions slides, mx basics, pdf, ect..) and also trackers and framework to support your job as MCVP !

πŸ«‚ If you would like to share or ask some materials, we will be more than happy, just make sure to fill this form ➑️

πŸ’œπŸ’™ P4P

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✚ our identity, our essence, our culture: this is people4people.

but.. what does it means?

∞ an infinity loop representing the inner and outer journey and the continuous development we strive to provide

πŸ–‹ a cursive text representing the our flexible nature as a commission

πŸ–‹ a solid base in text form representing the strong foundation we contribute to the organization

πŸ’™ πŸ’œ for our brand click on the image

πŸ’œ mx funnel 2023

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✚ the mx funnel represent all the stages a member goes through their membership experience.

the mx funnel was firstly established when the membership experience became a official program, and then refreshed in September 2023 to better fits the need of the organization. here you can find directly the 2023 version.

πŸ’™ the blue code

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✚ everything team leaders need to know, to deliver standards for an excellent membership experience , enable the understanding and living of aiesec values and facilitate inner and outer journey towards achieving aiesec 2025.

πŸ“Š trackers

here you can find different trackers from different entities

✚ in this folder you can find all the trackers that can be useful for you and your network!

this trackers will be provided by the MX network as GCPs or created from the MX ST/CEEDer/GSTs.

✨ competency model

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✚ Since the AIESEC Member reintroduction in the portfolio during 2021 with all the elements, the competency model aims to provide support on how leaders can support the member’s experience and planned development to ensure that their experiences are designed to ensure their development for  inside and outside the organization. 

With this competency model, we can see the skills that our leaders can and are developing in their experiences as members and team leaders. 

πŸ“š GLE

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✚ The GLEs are the possible environments that enable our members, team leaders and executive boards to learn competences, understand AIESEC values, and ultimately live the inner and outer journey.

you can also find more updated material here

πŸ«‚ commission management

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✚ As MCVPs one of the most important part of the JD is commission management. Here you can find some sessions & GCPs about how to manager our commissions at the best.

*[other materials will be added with time]


click here to be redirected to the LDM & LEADs website

✚ the LDM is our method to develop leadership.
It’s the way we ensure that people who go through the inner and outer journey are actually living experiences that impact them on the long term by equipping them with the right tools to live by the AIESEC Values.

πŸ“° TM/MX history

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✚ In this folder you can find the TM history | old sessions, old academies, and old materials with which, even if outdated we can still learn from it.

disclaimer: make sure to contextualize what is written whit the MX implementation.

πŸ—“ timeline management

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✚ In this session you will understand how operational timeline influences MX timeline, how to ensure that your timeline is aligned and how to prioritize your activities as MCVP MX!